Crisis consumers: How COVID-19 is driving the future of retail

It’s a brave new retail world for Australian consumers in crisis. Why not consume our latest Catalyst Conversation with CEO of the National Retail Association, Dominique Lamb instead.  Dominique joins Ben Bars to discuss the inevitable acceleration of online shopping, the rise of ‘nesting’ retail, the impacts of 2020 on frontline retail workers and the bargain hunting prowess of Australian consumers. 

Conversation highlights:

-The role of COVID-19 in exponentially accelerating digital retail.

 -The secrets of ‘nesting retail’ – what it is, and why it’s on the rise.

-Which business lines have taken the biggest hit, and who’s found themselves thriving in crisis.

-What’s on the line for the government’s Jobtrainer package and what that means for the future of employment.

-The key skills and capabilities required of the workforce of tomorrow. 

-Why are Brands busy building an authentic, personable voice through vlogging and longer from video content.

 Watch the full discussion below:

Keen for more?

How will the approaching recession impact consumer habits, and who will thrive in a troubled economy. Startup heavyweight Afterpay has a powerful opportunity to lead the way in the flourishing ‘buy now, pay later’ market.

Catch more insightful Catalyst Conversations here.

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