COVID-19: Crisis or Catalyst?

The data has spoken.

And Corporate Australia
is listening.

In partnership with Macquarie Business School, We Are Unity recently set out to uncover the real impact of COVID-19 on pace, productivity and innovation in Australian organisations – and to answer, “Where to from here?”

This important research represents the latest learnings from interviews with 30 Senior Executives, and a further 100+ organisations surveyed across the ASX 200, and beyond. Inside the ‘COVID-19: Crisis or Catalyst?’ Report you’ll find our top insights, opportunities and recommendations following this history-making start to 2020.

At We Are Unity, we’re continually looking forward to the future of where HR and business is heading. Our research in 2020 continues to surface learnings for the benefit of our industry peers, our clients, and those we’re yet to meet. We hope you find it valuable.


Claim your free report today.